Sailing-Classics Mediterranean Voyage


Sardinia and the wildly romantic and exclusive Costa Smeralda with its turquoise waters, bays and incredible rock formations, the La Maddalena archipelago, the coast and bays around Bonifacio/South Corsica and above all the spectacular harbor entrance to Bonifacio are the dream destination in the Mediterranean Sea. With our favorite bay ‘Licia’ near Porto Bello and the rock formations at Cabo Testa, the northern tip of Sardinia.

Arrival & Departure

You can reach Olbia Airport from any major airport several times a week – almost daily in the high season. Alternatively, it is also possible to travel by train or car to Livorno or Genoa and take the ferry from there.

WIND & Weather

Even in summer, the wind conditions are such that our large yachts are really great for sailing. It’s warm anyway and every swim stop at one of the small bays is a welcome way to cool off – simply ideal for your next sailing vacation.

Routing details

We start in the bay of the Golfo di Marinella near Porto Rotondo and sail north along the Costa Smeralda, Sardinia’s most famous coastline, to the varied area of the La Maddalena archipelago. A 20,000-hectare national park on and under the water – crystal-clear sea, bright shades of blue as far as the eye can see, secluded bays and dreamlike deserted beaches. On the way to Corsica, we cross the Strait of Bonifacio, where we are often accompanied by dolphins. The following entrance to Bonifacio is breathtaking – a natural fjord-like inlet between high chalk cliffs, crowned by a magnificent citadel 60 meters high on a plateau.

all available sailing trips in sardinia:


Sailing trip near Sardinia and Corsica

Sailing Yacht Journey

Sailing trip near Sardinia and Corsica

Sailing Yacht Journey

Sailing trip near Sardinia and Corsica

Sailing Yacht Journey

Summer specials

Save the single occupancy surcharge when booking a cabin as a single traveler for all sailing trips in June, July and August this year!